- Company data
The identification data of the company is shown below. The present Internet portal is put at the service of the users by the entity whose identifying data are:
• Name: Coveneed. S.L (hereinafter also bag-in)
• Country: Spain.
• Contact e-mail: info@bag-in.com
Intellectual / industrial property - Intellectual / industrial property
The source code, graphic designs, logos, images, photographs, sounds, animations, software, texts, as well as the information and contents included in this website are protected by Spanish legislation on the intellectual and industrial property rights in favor of bag-in and the total or partial reproduction and / or publication of the website, its computer processing, its distribution, its diffusion, its modification, transformation or decompilation, or other rights legally recognized to its owner, without the prior written permission of bag-in. The user, only and exclusively, can use the material that appears in this website for his personal and private use, being prohibited its use for commercial purposes or to engage in illegal activities. All rights derived from intellectual property are expressly reserved by bag-in®.
[commercial_name] shall ensure compliance with the above conditions as well as the proper use of the contents presented on its web pages, exercising all civil and criminal actions that correspond to it in case of infringement or breach of these rights by the user. - Portal users and Protection of personal data
The access and / or use of bag-in website attributes the condition of USER, that accepts, from said access and / or use, the General Conditions of Use reflected here. The aforementioned Conditions will apply regardless of the General Conditions of Contract that in their case are mandatory.bag-in is not responsible, in any case, for damages and damages of any nature that could cause the access and use of the website, by way of example: errors or omissions in the contents, unavailability of the portal or the transmission of viruses or malicious programs or harmful content, despite having taken all necessary technological measures to prevent it. - Several
A.- bag-in does not use cookies of the established ones, therefore it is not necessary to make any warnings in this regard, bag-in DOES NOT USE ANY TYPE OF COOKIES that can be stored in your computer.
B.- bag-in may modify, without prior notice, the information contained in its website, as well as its configuration and presentation.
C.- bag-in hereby undertakes NOT TO ENGAGE IN MISLEADING ADVERTISING. To these effects, therefore, the formal or numerical errors that may be found throughout the contents of the different sections of bag-in web, such as vehicle prices, characteristics, measures or weights, will not be considered as misleading advertising. , produced as a result of an incomplete or defective maintenance and / or updating the information contained in these sections. bag-in, as a consequence of the provisions of this section, undertakes to correct it as soon as it becomes aware of such errors. Likewise, all the offers expressed in the content of its pages are informative and non-contractual, for their validity must be expressed in writing through a contract that must be accepted and signed by both parties.
D.- bag-in undertakes NOT TO SEND ADVERTISING CORRESPONDENCE WITHOUT IDENTIFYING IT AS SUCH. For these purposes, all information sent to BAG-IN CUSTOMERS will not be considered as commercial communication provided that its purpose is to maintain the existing contractual relationship between customer and bag-in, as well as the performance of the information tasks , training and other activities of the service that the client has contracted with the company.
E.- bag-in is not responsible for the breach of any applicable norm that the user may incur in accessing on this website and / or in the use of the information contained therein. The relationship between bag-in and the USER will be governed by current Spanish regulations and any controversy will be submitted to the Courts and Tribunals of the city of Buenos Aires.
F.- bag-in shall not be liable for any damages or losses that may arise or may arise, whatever their nature, arising from the information use , the materials contained in this web site and the programs it incorporates. The links and hypertext that allow, through the website this website, access the user to services and services offered by third parties, do not belong to and are not under the control of bag-in; that entity is not responsible for the information contained therein or for any effects that may arise from said information.
G.- bag-in is not responsible for the illegitimate use that third parties may make of brand names, product names, vehicle photographs, trademarks, which are not property of that entity, appear on this website. Nor is it responsible for the integrity, veracity and legality of the content of the links to the websites that can be accessed from this website.
H.- In short, the User is solely responsible for the use made of the services, contents, links and hypertext included in this website.
I.- DURATION AND TERMINATION: The provision of the service of Portal and other Products has, in principle, an indefinite duration. bag-in, however, is authorized to terminate or suspend the provision of the Portal service and / or any of the products offered at any time. When reasonably possible, bag-in will advise in advance the termination or suspension of the online offer of the catalog of spare parts and other related Products and Services.
K.- APPLICABLE LAW AND JURISDICTION: This Legal Notice is governed by Argentine law. For the resolution of any controversy that may arise regarding its validity, execution, compliance or resolution (total or partial) are submitted to the jurisdiction of the Spain Courts. This contract constitutes the complete expression of the agreement between bag-in and the user. The Portal use attributes the user conditions and implies the full and unreserved acceptance of each and every one of the provisions included in this Legal Notice.